Calendar for December 2012
Here the 3D calendar for December 2012, you can download the PDF here:
With this PDF you will be able to print a copy of all the parts in color or black and white to assemble a 3D picture, and a copy of the flat calendar in color or black and white as well as a copy of the picture with the corresponding text from the chapter of the Book of Acts, in color or black and white.
Nativity Bible Paper Toys
I posted the nativity Bible Paper Toys, a compilation of booklets 1 to 6, on my web site, as well as an update instructions booklet in English and Spanish.
The PDFs are listed there, easier to download.
Merry Christmas!
The PDFs are listed there, easier to download.
Merry Christmas!
A Thank You Note and Baby Jesus
a big thank you for all your comments and notes and letters, and encouragements
and support, it is a little difficult at time to answer the comments as they
are in different places in the blog posts, but I do read them and I really
appreciate and thanks everyone of you for writing them.
if you have questions, or suggestions or ideas or projects that you’ll be
interested to see, do write me, I will try to answer you as soon as I can.
for the Nativity Bible Paper Toys, I received a few letters asking where is
baby Jesus on the booklet 1, baby Jesus is there, on page 5, on the bottom of
the page, and the manger box is on page 4.
only thing I didn’t include in the booklet is the yellow paper to form the hay,
I suggested using an actual piece of simple yellow paper in order to have color
on both side, here a page from the instructions pages on how to do it.
it is helpful, thank you for downloading the Nativity; soon I will be posting on
my web site an update version of the instructions pages in English and Spanish,
as well as the models parts again with easier link to download it.
Christmas Pop-up Card
Here a Christmas Pop-up Card for you to download and assemble, either in
color or black and white, as well as a series of small pictures
decorations to add to your card.
You can download it here:
Merry Christmas!
You can download it here:
Merry Christmas!
The Best Christmas Gift
Here is a small coloring booklet with the message of Christmas. You are welcome to print as many as you would like to share with others.
Here you will find the pdf for the booklet in several languages:
A Merry Christmas to everyone!
PS: on the photo, the little cross-stitching picture of
the deer was created by one of my daughters, who has a beautiful web
site that you should visit; here the link:
Miniworld Fan Mail
Here a Fan Mail photo of the Dino Miniworld, with a good idea of using the cave and palm tree from the Easter set from the Bible Paper Toys.
Thank you Emma, a very neat photo
Thank you Emma, a very neat photo