3D Calendar for March 2014

You can download the PDF here:


  1. Just to remind you if you havent't reat my last comment:

    I really like your Dino Miniworld!

    What has become of the waterfall set you've previewed in February 2012?

    Wouldn't that be a great start for this year as it looks finished?

    Thanks and greetings!

    1. Yes the waterfall set is almost ready but I still need to write down the instruction and I'd like to add some extra figure to complete the set, but it is on my list of project and hope to get to it very soon, I am finisghing up the other set I had posted earlier and adding lots of figures and dinosaurs.
      thank you for writing,

  2. Bless you, Didier
    Has the waterfall been placed in a Dino Miniworld set yet for download?
